Sunday, August 10, 2008

49 Year Old Olympian

I don't pay much attention to the Olympics, though some of it does filter through to me regardless of my best intentions. One item that penetrated my wall of disinterest today was this item. It brings a smile to my face to think that a woman about my own age is able to not only compete in the Olympics but to do very well indeed. This was one tough cycling road race and she got close to making the final selection. That's truly impressive, and especially so for someone of a certain age.

This fits well with an earlier post where I suggested there is sense in taking more risks as we get older. Longo-Ciprelli is a good example. Of course it helps to have the genetic make-up to be a world-class athlete, so this particular goal isn't for everyone. Nevertheless I believe the idea is right on the mark, and we all have rewarding goals we can realistically strive for as we grow older. Her example is an encouragement for those of us gradually joining the gray-haired demographic.

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